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Zidane needs to rotate more, or risk losing Bale

Zinedine Zidane has a long-term contract with Real Madrid, but he is not the only one who has to rotate the team. The club needs to find a solution to the problem of Bale, who is not playing for the first team.

The Welshman is still recovering from a serious injury, which he sustained during the World Cup. The player was forced to miss the first part of the season due to the injury, but the situation has now improved.
The player returned to the first-team and started to play in the starting lineup, which is a good sign for the team’s long-run prospects.
However, the situation is not easy for the club, because the player is not in the best shape. The problem is not only the injury itself, but also the fact that the player has not yet become a real star.
It is obvious that the situation with the player will not improve, and the situation will only get worse.
Real Madrid has a number of options to solve the problem. The first of them is to rotate Zidanes’ players, who will not be able to take part in the match against the team of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Another solution is to let Bale leave the club. However, the player himself is not ready to leave the team, and he needs to be convinced that he will be able not only to play, but to lead the team to the Champions League zone.
This is why the club needs a solution, which will allow it to save the situation in the long run.
Football news on fscore
The Spanish club needs time to find the right solution, so it will not give up on the player. The situation with Bale is not good, but it is not as bad as it could be, because this problem is now solved.
Thanks to the fscore website, you can always learn the latest information about the team and its players. Here, you will find the schedule of matches, as well as the results of each game.
You can always find out the latest news on the website of sports statistics, because here, the information is updated in real time.
Bale’s future in Real Madrid
The situation with ZidaniΓ© is not so serious, but if the player leaves the team now, the club will not have a chance to win the Champions Cup.
In the last season, the team lost the Champions cup to Barcelona, and it is obvious now that it is going to lose it again.
If the club does not find a way to solve this problem, then it will be extremely difficult to win gold medals again. The team needs to play better, because it is now in the Champions league, where it can seriously compete for gold medals.
At the moment, it is clear that Real Madrid is not able to do this, because its main competitors are Barcelona and Atletico.
That is why it is extremely important for the coach to find out a solution for the problem with Bale. The Welshman needs to get some rest, because he is still not in top form, and this will affect the results.
Zidanies needs to make a serious decision, because if he does not do it, then the situation for the players in the team will only worsen.
What to expect from the team in the next season?
It will be very difficult for the Spanish team to win another Champions cup, because Real Madrid has many strong competitors, who are ready to seriously challenge the team if they have a weak point.
One of them includes Barcelona. The Catalans are now in a very good shape, and they are ready for the fight.
Barcelona has a good lineup, but Zidania is not a complete team. There are still many players who are not in great shape, so the club has to be very careful when it comes to choosing the lineup.
Also, the Catalan club needs some time to get used to the new lineup, and that is why Zidanie has a lot of problems with the team during matches.
There is a high probability that the team fails in the fight for the title, because Barcelona is ready to fight for it.
All the latest results on fscores
The Catalans have a good chance of winning the fight, because they are in a good shape. They are in the top 4, and there is a real fight for gold.

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